Monday, June 8, 2009

League - Sexy Jeans and Casuals - Women & Men

I was out with Karina, Mel, and Nere (the shopping crew all together for the first time) and since they hadn't been to League in a while, and I hadn't been to the main store, we all stopped in and it turned into a bit of a party with Autmn and Chee coming by too. I mean who doesn't love an awsome pair of jeans? They've got other great casuals too BTW... Jeans around L$200-300 and outfits to L$800 or so.

I think everybody got something on this trip, here's Karina in jeans.And here's Autmn in an awsome wenchy outfit

And for some reason in the middle of shopping Karina decided it was time to change to pink (apparently I missed part of the conversation as Chee had just arrived w00t!) Here's two of the Pink Possey


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