Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Earning Money or the Beer Equation

As one of my main hobbies is helping newbies (tag: "Helps Newbies :o) IM Me") I get asked a lot "How do I earn money?" omg yes, a maddening question to most residents as we've seen the value in investing in our lives (sometimes small fortunes), but remember when you were new? WTH is this game and what is the point? What do you do here? How can I look like that sexy person over there (I personally do not refer to people in SL as AVs)?

Well if you are a newbie and don't want to invest a couple of bucks in the most amazing thing civilization has invented to date... well then you can camp or hunt money trees or harvest the thousands of free items on SLX (yes I know it's now and Freebie stores.

Camping: Honestly this is the most miserable way to spend your time in SL. We are all here to have a good time, see amazing things, and meet amazing people. If you want to earn L$5 for standing in one place for 15 min and think that your time really is only worth US$.08/hour then by all means.

Money Trees: are just what they sound like. They will be surrounded by 4 rocks that tell you how much is available in the tree. Dollar Bills are 1 Linden, Apples are L$5, Bananas are L$10, and Pineapples are L$20. They usually have from 0-25 Lindens and allow residents in their first 30-60 days to collect money.

NCI New Citizens Incorporated has one and a lot of great stuff for newbies:
I also have a huge list in notecards, IM me and I'll give it to you.

Buy the freaking Lindens already. Here's how I look at it, if I'll spend US$4 on a beer in a bar: 1 Beer = US$4 = L$1,000. That's right, 4 dollars gets you a thousand Lindens and that goes a long way if you're frugal! My friend compares it to US$20 for two hours at the movies and that's 5,000 Lindens and that can last you a month in SL.

You can buy them on Second Life's official exchange: or several secondary markets:

Xstreet SL (formerly SL Exchange or SLX as the old timers call it for short):

Anshe Chung the SL real estate mogul has a currency exchange with no upper limit:$

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